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Live-on-Line with Mukta

Teach Children Meditation and Yoga

with the Knower Curriculum

Ever wondered how to teach your children to meditate? Here’s the answer!

This Course will teach you how to bring meditation into your classroom,
your home and your yoga studio.


We just completed this course, and will offer it again

Date to be announced soon

Under the current circumstances, if you have lost part or all of your income we would like to offer assistance. Please email or PM us.

The Knower Curriculum is a fresh approach to education and teaching meditation to children. This curriculum is  specifically designed for teaching meditation and awareness to school-age children.

The main subjects are meditation, philosophy and yoga disciplines, which include breath (pranayama), sound (mantra) and body (hatha yoga). Also included is a large selection of games and activities. All of the above subjects are showcased in nine insightful stories (Timeless Tales) with nine specific themes.

This unique approach to education is geared towards helping children develop well-rounded skills to build a strong foundation for success in school and in life. It will also help them develop the ability to watch and examine their minds. They will learn to have confidence and flexibility in their decisions, independence in their thinking, discrimination in their judgement and impeccability in their actions. They will have the courage to make proper choices so that they can live a happier, healthier and more joyful life. This is the precious gift of The Knower Curriculum.

The Knower Curriculum
Teach Meditation to Children with Timeless Tales

For those choosing to purchase from the website: Himalayan Knowledge

we are offering a 30% discount on our ebooks: 

To receive the discount for

The Knower Curriculum and Timeless Tales...

Click on the link.

Enter the promo code himk30 

Books are also available on Amazon

The Knower Curriculum.jpg
Timeless Tales.jpg

Check out this website, which includes the private Knower Club. The Knower Club is a playground of fun activities for children. Featuring  guided meditations, breathing exercises, mantras, hatha yog and Timeless Tales.


Hope to see you Live Online!!!


Pip was an amazing mentor during the education and training of this course. She makes the content fun and engaging with her beautiful and bubbly personality. Her passion and knowledge of yoga and meditation for children radiates through her! It was clear and you walk away feeling empowered to make a difference by sharing this gift with the world or shall I say the future!

Stephanie Miller


For the Live Online sessions I use Zoom as a platform.It is very easy to use and each week I will send you a link to join. Each class is recorded, so if you have to miss a class for any reason, you can have the recordings. 

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