Meditation can be understood and easily practiced by everyone. The results are joy, ease, and freedom from stress. Enhance your life, achieve balance, transform your view.
Are you just starting or ready to add new techniques to your existing yoga or meditation practice?
Kristin and Robyn offer a fresh thought, communicating the experience of inner peace and joy.
Timeless Meditation
for Our Modern Age

Sovereign Secrets of Meditation and Praanayam
The light of Pure Awareness can never be extinguished. It is ignited in the inner being with the power and knowledge of meditation and praanayam.
We look forward to seeing you at The Lighthouse at another time.

In this workshop you will:
Learn the ancient art of praanayam and its deepest purpose
Learn unique meditation techniques
Add a fresh dimension of delightful knowledge to your life
Unfold a plateau of consciousness free from mental dramas, fear, and worry
Learn the Gayatri Mantra and experience an ancient Vedic havan (fire ceremony).
Two Days of Rich Immersion in Your Source Awareness