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Completed course

Meditation and Praanayam Teacher Training

Module Three

Krishna and Pragati have had thousands of hours of immersion in meditation and yogic studies. They have developed a powerful teacher training course, consisting of continuing, illuminating modules. The knowledge they impart will clarify and demystify meditation practice, and the simple and effective techniques will infuse confidence and inspiration in one’s practice.

These modules can be studied in any order.


Wednesday mornings 

9:00 am—10:45 am

 February 10—March 31, 2021

Thursday evenings 

7:00 pm—8:45 pm

 February 11—April 1, 2021


What is the State of Yog:

Yogash Chitt Vritti Nirodh

Vairagya and Vivek:

Renunciation of the sense of otherness and interest in the higher Self

Shat Vikar of the Body and Mind:

Six Modifications of the Body and Mind

Five Vrittis: Five Functioning Waves of the Mind

The Nine Obstacles on the Path of Yog
and How to Overcome Them

A powerful verse from the Bhagavad Gita

A Hindi chant

Repetition of the exercises from Modules 1 & 2

Bandhs: Mool, Jalandhar, Uddiyan Bandh,
and Maha Bandh

Anulom-Vilom with Ratios and Bandhs


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The Art of Teaching Meditation


Meditation is the means to unfold oneness and enhance one’s capability to help himself and others, knowing that all beings are the manifest expression of the true Self. This course will allow the practicant to build a strong foundation as a meditation teacher by having the direct experience of the fourth state, enabling one to communicate this timeless knowledge.


The Wisdom of a New Kind of Education


Our teacher training will reveal the essential purpose of human life. This ancient yogic science is most relevant in our modern age. Meditation is a vital part of education for training the human mind, for enhancing its capacity and power of understanding, which will lead to happiness and fulfillment.


The Skill of Teaching Meditation


From this yogic knowledge comes the abundant answers to questions that arise in everyone’s daily life—from misconceptions about meditation to becoming free from the binding influence of the mind and ego. This knowledge suffuses the being with the answered state, dynamic confidence, and an inspired awareness.

A certificate of completion of Module 3 from Himalayan Knowledge, in association with
the International Meditation Institute, will be presented at the end of the course.


You will receive a comprehensive PDF of the topics covered in Module 3. Each session will be recorded on Zoom,
so you never have to worry about missing a session.


If you have lost income at this time, we are happy to accommodate you.
Please contact us by email.

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